
Things I Adore: Part 4

Why You Need It In Advertising and Marketing.

Made you look.

Color has a way of catching the eye.  It's undeniable.  I could link hundreds of resources that point to that fact, but you know it's true.  That's why color costs extra. It's special.  It makes your message special.  It shows that you love your product enough to be bold.

Recently I created a quick flyer for one of my clients.  I asked if there was a specific color palate that suited the current scheme and I was told to use whatever colors I felt suited the project.  So I did.  Three hours later, the client was graced with a beautiful deep purple and silver flyer that spoke to his target audience.  The next morning I had a message saying that it wasn't printing right, so I called my client... They're printing it in the office in black and white!  I told them I'd grayscale it and slammed the phone down in a huff.

It isn't smart business.  My clients' target audience consists of image-conscious middle to upper-class African-American men between the ages of 25 and 40.,  Which flyer says I'm your target and "I care about how I'm seen by others" so "I can afford to treat myself," the black or color? (Name of business, logo and address cropped out to protect my client.)

It's worth the extra money to send the right message.  Saving on the color now, won't save you money in the long run. Prove my point or argue against my intuition: Which ad has the most impact?

As a side note, I have really enjoyed having an excuse to toss cutesy color into my blog posts.

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