Tonight, my network (The Modern Strategist) had a video conference to discuss the best ways to improve, market and advertise Brazen Careerist in 2010.
Here's what we came up with and why:
- Be clear about Brazen's unique features and niche. Suggested tagline: "Brazen Careerist- Social Media Networking for Young, Ambitious Professionals." Push Feature Example: "Join specialized, intimate conversations without 140 character limits!"
- Encourage members to invite other YOUNG, AMBITIOUS PROFESSIONALS...not just everyone on their contact list. Preserve the niche! Example invite template: "Hey NAME! Are you struggling with a new job, hopeless job search or unknown personal brand? ME TOO! Join thousands of other young, ambitious professionals who share your pain! LINK"
- Expand Brazen Careerist features to include: Video Conferencing, Live Network Chat, Dropdown/Expandable Fan Feed and New Member Mentorship Programs. Let us meet all our professional networking needs within the B.C. site!
- Feature more than just writers! Give network leaders the ability to choose an MVP to be featured on the homepage. This would reward the readers, too!
I'm sure there are more ideas out there... What other improvements make smart business sense?