
Things I Loathe: Part 3

Behold the third installment of "Things I Loathe." If you like what I have to say stay tuned for parts 4-5 and its natural counterpart: "Things I Adore."

I will be limiting these posts to communication-related topics to keep myself from going off on too many tangents.

I absolutely loathe bad photoshop jobs. Apparently I am not the only one, since I found a blog dedicated to seeking out the worst of the worst. In most of the cases shown on the blog, these 'oopsies' were for MAJOR publications. Places that have multiple people looking at your work before it goes to the press. The most recent 'whoops' was in Sports Illustrated. Really, SI? Are you telling me NO ONE saw that?

Sure, graphic artists are people too (maybe), and make mistakes because they are not perfect... but I can do a better job, and no one is paying me tens of thousands of dollars. I feel that they get paid well enough and have enough people looking over their shoulders that this shouldn't happen. Hey, here's a tip: Pay a good photographer to take the SHOT YOU WANT, and there won't be any photoshop problems!

Furthermore, I know my way around Adobe enough to remove every pimple and blemish from my headshots for the rest of my life, but is this much photoshopping really necessary? Put the mouse down, people. There is no need to mess up a great photo over one pimple or thick waist.

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