
Things I Loathe: Part 4

This pseudo-rant series is quickly coming to a close. Only one more posting to go, so stay tuned for the last update to "Things I Loathe."

Originally, I had intended to write about a totally different topic, but after reading Beyond Madison Avenue, I have decided to blog about 'puffery'.

Fluff works its way into everything we; as members of the pr/ad/marketing machine, do. So, as a test of the Gobbledygook Grader I will run two examples through the system.

The first content tested is from a marketing blog. It scored 77 out of 100 with the following stats:
Word count 428
Sentences 41
Link count 2
Readability (minimum education needed) 9th Grade
This content contains 1 word that is considered gobbledygook (it is overused and lacks specific meaning).
Eh, not bad.

The next sample is from a marketing publication. It scored 82 out of 100 with the following stats:
Word count 676
Sentences 45
Link count 0
Readability (minimum education needed) 1 Years Undergrad
This content contains 4 words that are considered gobbledygook (they are overused and lack specific meaning).
Uhh oh, not good.
According to David M. Scott, the these are the most ambiguous words of 2008.

Just to make sure I am not a culprit, I'll run my own posting through the system.

This post scored a 51 out of 100 with the following stats:
Word count 201
Sentences 24
Link count 6
Readability (minimum education needed) 11th Grade
This content contains 0 words that are considered gobbledygook (they are overused and lack specific meaning).

I will reward myself with pie.

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